Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Colton LOVES his Spiderman pj's. He wants everything Spiderman. He wants to be Spiderman :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

sick days

Today is one of those days that I question my decision to go back to work.

Last night Cash was crying, pretty much all night. He woke up at 10pm and just wanted me to hold him. He would fall asleep on my shoulder and when I tried to put him back in his bed he would scream. This happened all night long. I think I got a total of 90 minutes of sleep last night.

So I know that I need to take him to the doctor, but I have work and Russ can't take him because he has to travel today to Oklahoma. I struggle with work and the kids all the time. The guilt of being a working mom just overwhelms me sometimes. Days like this, I am just tired. Tired of waking up at 4:30 every morning, tired of driving 1 hour each way to work, tired of having to kiss my babies good bye and telling them "mommy has to go to work", tired of wondering what kind of day the boys are having, and tired of being tired when I get home.

This too shall pass and I'll get over my self pity...but I think I deserve days like this. I think I need days like this to keep me grounded and remind me what's really boys (all 3 of them).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas.

I love this crazy life...

wow. It's been a long time since I've posted. Life caught up with me after going back to work...but things are a little slow now so finally I'm able to get on the computer again and blog about life.

We'll my boys are older, Colton will be 3 in a month and Cash will be 1 in 2 weeks. It's been an amazing year. Russ and I are just busy with work and the boys and trying to find time for each other. I couldn't have ever imagined that I would be as busy a I am with 2 kids. Most days I wake up at 4:30am, go for my daily run, get back home, shower as fast as I can, get to work by 7am, put in a full day's work, leave at 4pm, get the boys at 5pm, do dinner, bathe the kids, put the kids to bed, eat dinner with the husband, start cleaning up the house that looks like it's been hit by a tornado and then finally, I get to sit down. I usually pass out around 9:30pm (with a little help from some wine). And I wake up the next day to do it all over again. This is my wonderful, amazing, crazy life that I would not trade with anyone. And I am not being sarcastic either :)

Over the year, Colton has grown up so so much. He is turning into a little, adorable man. This summer he fell in love with baseball. That's all we did every evening, was play baseball in the backyard with him. I'm not going to lie, the kid is good. I mean really good. He would point to where he was going to hit the ball, which was usually over the fence, and about 95% of the time, that's exactly where he would hit it. Russ took him to his first Ranger's game and they had a blast together and Colton came home with a mini wooden bat.

Colton is his mother's child and he loves to do puzzles, color and draw. Oh yeah, he also likes to clean. He's a little OCD about it, but I enjoy it. We finally got him potty trained this summer, which has been a huge relief on us and our pocket books. And he is the best big brother we could ever ask for. He still struggles with sharing, but don't we all. I recently read another friend's blog and she used the word "spirited" to describe her first born and I couldn't think of better word to describe our Colton. He is emotional, funny, full of energy (from the moment he wakes up), smart, stubborn, athletic, charming, independent and a lot of the time challenging to Russ and myself. But I do have to remind myself almost daily that he is only 3 and I wouldn't want him any other way.

Cash, my sweet, laid back baby, has just grown bushels over the year. He is trying his hardest to walk, but his legs are still a little wobbly. He takes several steps and then he just falls down. He LOVES to play with balls and anything that his brother has. Whatever Colton is doing, Cash is right there behind him trying to do the same thing. And he will just laugh and laugh at Colton. Cash is such a loving, shy, happy-go-lucky baby. He doesn't get upset too much, except when he want's to do something and you don't let him or you take his food away :) He loves to eat and his chubby little legs are proof of that. Cash has reminded me to sit back and enjoy life. I am so thankful for him.

Russ is still the most amazing husband and father. Colton and Cash are so lucky to have him, I couldn't have picked a better person to go through this journey with me.

This past summer we have developed some wonderful friendships with our neighbors in Lantana. We took a trip with them all to Fredericksburg and to float the river. They all have been such a blessing to our family. And in Januray, Russ and I are taking our first "vacation" since to boys have been born to Costa Rica!!!! This trip is a long time coming and couldn't come at a better time.

I am going to try and do better at posting...try is the key word. Let's see how this goes.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Crazy faces

Russ, Colton and myself were having fun making crazy faces & taking pictures. Colton thought it was so funny....

Snow Day

The begining of Spring...

Well it's March now and we have a lot going on this month...

Colton started a new school, Premier Academy. It's day 2 and so far so good. He's been so good about adjusting to change in the past year (moving, switching daycare, a baby brother). I am really excited about this new change for him, I think it's going to be good.
Colton has just been so talkative lately and surprising me with how smart he is! He knows his colors and he can count, but not always in the right order. (but hey, he's two) He loves to color and draw. And he has been so great with his "bubba", helping out with anything he can. We recently got him a soccer ball and he LOVES to kick it. He even takes it to bed with him. Russ & I are nervous that he's going to be a soccer player and we know nothing about soccer. But we'll learn for him.

Cash is almost 3 months and will start daycare this week. It makes me so sad that my time at home with him is over. But it's been so great getting to spend my days with him. We've had a great time together and he is definitely a mama's boy. He is still just a happy and laid back baby...I hope it continues.

I will be running a half marathon in a couple of weeks, 12 weeks after I had Cash. It's been a challenge, but I have loved getting back into running. Running makes me a better mom & wife. My goal is to finish and feel good, and of course a PR would be awesome.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cash 8 Weeks

My little monkey is getting bigger, much bigger. He is now 8 weeks old and we recently had his 2 month checkup and he is just growing like a weed. Cash weighs around 13 lbs and is 23" long.
Unfortunately, we are on his 3rd ear infection in 8 weeks. Poor little guy. So we are headed to the ENT and looks like we will have to get tubes soon. But everything else with Cash is just perfect. He's still so sweet and relaxed, when he's not sick. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he will start sleeping through the night before I go back to work, but we'll see. I think I'm headed back to Spencer at the end of March, which is just a little over a month away. Time is just flying by and I haven't figured out how to slow it down yet.

Colton is still a great big brother. He loves to help with Cash. He'll cover him up with a blanket, or stick a paci in his mouth, and he even tried to share his Cheerios with him. I think they are going to be good little running buddies.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cash 6 Weeks

Cash is now 6 weeks how the time is flying by. We are starting to get a lot of smiles from him. Russ and I like to fight over which one he smiles more for, but in reality I think it's Colton who makes him smile the most. He is such a sweet & good baby. Everyday seems to be getting easier and easier with 2 boys. Russ and I finally got to go on a date night with some friends this past weekend and Cash took the bottle! I know that doesn't seem like a big deal, but to a mommy who is breastfeeding, it's a huge deal! Only 6 more weeks before I go back to work...wah wah. It's going to be hard, but it will be nice for me to get back to my "normal" life and have a conversation with someone other than a baby or a dog. And in 6 weeks I will be running a half marathon. Yes, I'm crazy for signing up for it, but running is so great...I've really missed it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Colton & his Motorcycle

This is the "motorcycle" Santa got Colton. He told me he needed a helmet so his cousins Jonah & Wrenn got him one for his birthday. I think it was a very good idea. He rides it around, & around, & around our island in the kitchen. He runs into everything and yes, our walls and cabinets are getting banged up, but we don't care, it's just so much fun to watch him.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Colton's 2nd Birthday

Colton turned 2 on January 5! I can't believe that it's been 2 years already. At 2 he is talking so much and we are able to carry on a converstation with's amazing. He loves to sing songs, even though we have no clue what he's singing. And anything his daddy is doing, he has to be right there beside him doing the same thing. He loves monsters, motorcylcles, and tractors...yes, he is all boy.

For his birthday we had a family party at the house and then the next weekend we had a party at Winkids with all his friends. They had a great time!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Colton had a much better understanding of what was going on and who Santa Claus was. And of course it was a great Christmas because we had Cash with us.
Santa brought Colton a motorcylce big wheel. And then Nana and Papa got him a tool set, just like Daddy's and the Popp's got him a guitar. Colton is still asking us for presents every morning.

Cash's Birthday

Cash Austin Bird
December 15, 2009

8lbs 20z & 21" long

Cash made his way into this world on Tuesday, December 15. He was being a stubborn little guy, so I had to be induced. We went in at 6am and they broke my water at 8am and he was here at 11:40am. It all happened very fast and easy, which I am very thankful for. I felt great afterwards and Colton got to come up that night to visit his new baby brother. We had my parents and my sister's family visit us that night. Everyone was very excited to have the new addition to the family.

My Boys

Well, here I's my first blog and I'm not quite sure how to do this so I am just going to talk.

Our sweet baby boy, Cash, is 1 month old and slowly trying to adjust to having a newborn in the house again. I thought this time I might be a little more laid back, but I'm not. I worry constantly about him. Why is he sleeping so much, why isn't he crying, I don't think he's pooped enough today...all of these things run through my head constantly. Yes, I need to relax. I often just stare at him and wonder how did Russ and I create such a beautiful baby. And of course I said the same thing about Colton.

Oh Colton, he challenges us everyday. He is smart, funny and hard headed (I don't know where he gets that from). One minute we are so angry with him and the next we are laughing out loud at something he said. The other day Cash was screaming at the top of his lungs and Colton looked at me and said "Oh goodness". He's such a mess, but I am so extremely thankful for him. He makes life so much more fun for us.